Klein Hamilton News
The Show Must Go On! COVID-19 Update
Written By - Michael Kahn - March 18,2020
With current government recommendations and the looming possibility of a complete lock down based on the current infected and death rates of COVID-19 victims in the UK, do we simply bury our heads in the sand and look for bailouts? Or stand up and be counted as potential game changers? After all, this is ‘Great’ Britain and we must strive to continue to be ‘Great’, adopting a new age workforce.
We cannot deny that all decision makers within many service sector led businesses, in particular law firms may not have relevant measures in place to tackle such a crisis as the situation changes on an hourly basis. As we brace ourselves for potential mandatory home working, regardless of government assistance, which of course will come at a cost through ‘attractive’ interest rates, we must look to fight on and promote a new age of conducting business!
At Klein Hamilton we have been investing in our technology and cloud based systems for numerous years, resulting in not relying on 3rd party software. Our CRM is home grown, which allows us to access all our information anytime, anywhere with no disruption. We have recruited further staff members to aggressively push through and break the barrier to counter this epidemic and ensure productivity excels. We ask you to do the same and battle through with us. #strongertogether
We have gone even further and invested thousands of pounds, building a Client Facing Cloud System which is synced with our internal systems. As a Client, you are given full access to your recruitment profile, vacancies, and search facility with access to over 15,000 candidates registered and vetted with detailed summaries FREE OF CHARGE! All accessible via your desktop, laptop or ipad / tablet, whilst you do your laundry or netflix and chill!
In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, we have further adopted a work from home strategy, with all communications running as normal with minimal disruption. As a Client of Klein Hamilton we are also providing you access to our remote working solutions suppliers who will be happy to assist you through installation of various hardware or software and any advice or support you require through these challenging times.
To take immediate action, get in touch with us via telephone or email and we can have you setup within seconds!